Hello, Good People of the Internet!
It's that time of year again in Ireland when it's hot but also cold, rainy but also dry, and sunny yet somehow also overcast. It's a funny auld country.
Lots going on at the moment for me, and I had intended to write a more extended piece for this newsletter about how Magic is secretly Redemption, but I just ran out of time in the end.
Besides, there is more than enough news to fill the newsletter that I suspect I would be asking to take up too much of your precious time if I also included a long rambly blog piece. So, I'll do that as a separate newsletter, possibly next week, but more likely the week after.
I'm quite tired as I write this, I must admit, as I spent the morning finishing up the written work for my current "Degree" at the Arcane School. For those that don't know, the Arcane School is a school of the Ageless Wisdom set up by Neo-theosophist Alice A. Bailey in 1923. I joined the school at the start of last year but left it towards the end as my life had fallen apart somewhat, and I just didn't have the mental fortitude to deal with the workload or the ideas themselves.
Last month I rejoined, and I have been devouring the coursework with great gusto. The meditation for this Degree is much better suited for me than the previous versions - or maybe I am just in a more amiable mood these days. In fairness, its very likely its the latter.
I talk more about Alice A. Bailey and the Arcane School in a video linked below for those who want to delve deeper.
OLD MAN SHOUTS AT CLOUD For people who have been hanging around for a few years, you may remember how much I banged on about the problems with my eyes a few years ago. I ended up with a number of different glasses to try to fix the issue (the issue is that I am old) and managed to settle on pair that more or less worked. Text on screens and books never really became fully clear, however. I just assumed that was the best it could be.
Yesterday I got new stronger reading glasses, as I recently had an eye test. These are just for reading books and close-up work, though -I still have to use my old glasses for working on the computer. The focal length is different.
Which means I have to swap glasses all the time now. Well, what it actually means is that after a few days, I'll probably stop doing that and settle on using the old pair as I spend most of my day in front of a computer and not reading books.
Besides, being honest, the new glasses aren't much of an improvement anyway. The text is magnified for sure, but it's not making the words on the page any clearer -no matter what glasses I use, text still has a halo and glows a bit - particularly on a bright background.
Also didn't go with the anti-glare on the new glasses this time as its way too easy to scratch the lens with that coating, and I'm sick of seeing the scratches in front of my eyes all the time - but now I can see a reflection of my eyes and face in the new glasses. You just can't win.
Getting old sucks. I'm not a fan.
VLOGS & PODCASTS As I mentioned in the last newsletter, I am back doing regular vlogging and podcasting. I have done a number of new vlogs since we last spoke, and I hope some of them, if not all, will interest you. Click on the thumbnail images to be magically brought to youtube.
A lot of these came from questions I received after I asked for questions for the monthly Q&A vlogs. Some of them felt like I could do them more justice by doing a dedicated talk on them rather than trying to squeeze them in with a load of other questions. And that's what I did.
The first one is some ideas I have around improving your manifesting. I have four points on this, and these are things that I have found personally helpful in my own life. Of course, magic outcomes are not guaranteed, but we can do a few things to tip the odds in our favour.